

I love music. A LOT. I play many instruments, but none of them fantastically. I used to be in a rock band, now I am a solo-musician trying to put together my first album of electronic/experimental/rock/ambient music. I want to break boundaries while stirring emotions, and tap deeply into the subconscious of man to discover our deepest motivations and bring them to the surface, so we can experience the mind and the soul in entirely new ways.
I don't care about standard rules or genres in music, I go where my mind and heart lead me, and do what feels right to me. I hope you enjoy what I create.


July 18th, 2008 + 7:07 PM  ·  Transfixed


This is a guitar melody that I came up with and then gently played over the top of.
The words are to a poem that I wrote years ago, and I decided to add it to the music, but I didn't really want them to be the focus, or detract too much from the music itself, so I tucked them into the song to basically provide an emotion and feeling that wouldn't otherwise be there.
Some people might say "turn up the vocals" because you may have a hard time telling what I'm saying. Well, just think of them as another instrument providing subtle feel to the track. It's not about the vocals themselves, so just sit back and take in the whole thing as a whole...
But if you're nitpicky about it, here's the words anyway for you. Enjoy.

I sat for the seeking
And thought for the thinking
I twice went there and back before you registered
The surface tension feeling
The life beneath that's breathing
Ignore or briefly entertain
The depth within this flow
I laughed for all the soaring tones
That feedback into what I'd grown
I haven't felt a better way
Sift the sand day after day
Reassuring warmth from the strength that's built
Of disciplined, conscious reality
Should I slow down
Or are we out of time
I breathed for the memory
Asleep, I felt eternity
It curled up deep inside of me
I then knew what i was to be
Don't drown in intangible inexistence
Life is washing over the mind
In front of my eyes
In front of our eyes
Avert to flee their sacred lies
In seeking I found to lose the disguise


July 12th, 2008 + 5:07 PM  ·  Transfixed


Illegal - Immoral - Warmongering - GeoPolitical Domination - Military Foothold - Strategic Interests - Oil Theft - False Flag Terrorism - Weopons Of Mass Destruction - New World Order - 9/11 Truth - Deception - Lies - Control - Propaganda - Police State - Total Surveillance Society - Information Grid - WTC7 - Thermate - Al Qaeda -  Council On Foreign Relations - Axis Of Evil - The Long War - Apocalypse - Insurgents - World War III - Global Elite - Plausible Deniability - World Bank - Bilderberg Group - Trilateral Commision - Media Complicity - Iranian Threat - Keywords - Subconscious
Led To The Slaughter


July 11th, 2008 + 9:07 PM  ·  Transfixed


I kinda wish I could see people's faces when they listen to this and go "WTF is this?!"
Again, this does not in any way fit the mold of a normal song, so IF you've been brainwashed into the verse/chorus/verse mentality, well... you may be disappointed. BUT I like the realm of the unusual, unexplored emotions, strange vibes and uncertain feelings. A lot of my songs tap straight into the subconscious for inspiration, and this is no exception. I think we all should expand our perceptions of music, and understand that, as the language of the soul, it can take many strange shapes and communicate many unexpected ideas.
 I came up with the lyrics AS I sang the song for the first time off the top of my head, which removed 'logic' from the equation and left me with something more interesting. Most of this is that original take. I hope you can appreciate it.

I shot it out into space and you caught me there
Frozen forever in time above the horizon
Vaccuum of space it's all so much inside the spaceship, away
From all the life that's scattered down below
Had you faced the only other option inside
Had you tasted the tablet so full of cyanide
Were you willing to end it all there on that spot
Not geographical, cause that makes sense not
You're upside down
You're inside out again
Open wide
Forever lost inside the spin
You're falling down now
Your face is hurting
Alone in the darkness
Cut - opened up and bleeding
For the wolves to smell
They've got a great smell
Sense, that is
You know - it's done
It's always been done
Down amongst the leaves
Autumn struck


July 11th, 2008 + 9:07 PM  ·  Transfixed


As with most of my songs, this is a strange creation. My music tends not to fit well into any categories or genres, so don't struggle while listening to determine "what the hell this is", just take it as it is, and try to feel what I feel.
With my music, I'm trying to transfer emotions and abstract concepts in a new way, which will surely irritate some people looking to define and understand it in a typical music sense. Don't worry about it, it's a mutant entity of the subconscious.

How does it seem to feel
How does it seem to hold
Away from the aperture
We've Untold
Whispering quietly
Our face is ashamed
Neath all the sand we found
Our place isn't blamed
Down in the deepest hole
Trying to light our way
Away from the burning sun
Are we astray
Screaming it quietly
The fire's contained
Neath all the sand we found
The reasons explained
Charging on fearlessly
Or are we afraid
A way for the dying world
To call our name
Thundering quietly
We wait for the fall
Neath all the sand we found
We're one after all

The Lights Edge

July 9th, 2008 + 7:07 PM  ·  Transfixed


I have never been the best guitar player, so I have to go about things in my own strange way when it comes to writing songs. This song is purely instrumental, and where it is lacking in technical skill, I hope it makes up for it with emotion and feeling. I layered the other guitar playing over the top of a chord structure I created. I wrote that part on the spot, not knowing what I was doing, and this is the recording that came from it.
I find that the feeling of this track comes across the strongest for me when the sun is going down and I'm looking out the window at the horizon. That sounds cheesy, but it's the place where this song lives in my mind, hence "The Light's Edge"...

P.S. It's not really a 'solo' in the normal sense, it's just me playing around on the guitar. I couldn't write a guitar solo if my life depended on it, so try not to think of it in those terms.
Alias: Transfixed
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